What is lamination?


Lamination is a technology for creating packaging materials that involves gluing together several polymer films. The final product consists of 2-3 layers and has special physical and mechanical properties. The packaged goods are effectively protected from the external environment, and internal processes that could negatively affect their appearance, taste, etc. are inhibited.

The outer layer is the base for printing. It is also responsible for protecting products from most negative environmental factors. Usually, polypropylene, polyester or polyamide films are used for this purpose. The middle barrier layer is needed when it comes to storing and selling products that need protection from air penetration, UV rays, and other specific influences. It is made of aluminum foil or metallized PET. The inner layer seals the package, and the material should be easy to heat weld. That is why polypropylene or polyethylene is usually used.


Packaging with lamination

Laminating technologies allow you to create any type of soft packaging, including flexo printing. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

Rolled packaging is a workpiece intended for further use on the customer's packaging lines. It is a solid sheet from which individual labels or bags are formed directly during the packaging process. It is suitable for packing large quantities of goods in a short period of time.

It is a flexible bottom bag that provides stability even with a low weight of the product inside. Additionally, the packaging can be equipped with a zip lock and/or notches for easier opening.

A simple bag without gussets that has only side seams. It is one of the most budget-friendly options for packaging loose or small individual products.

A package with four welded side edges. Its bottom is leveled under the weight of the product, which makes the bag stand.

Compact bag with side closures and a center seam at the back. It is optimal for a variety of bulk products and allows you to pack bulky goods.

A square or rectangular bag with no closure, but with a central seam at the back. The design makes it look like a Sachet bag.

Roll-to-roll packaging for Ukrainian brands

Advantages of lamination

  • Protects the appearance of the package. An additional layer of film preserves the brightness of colors, clarity of images and text. Products look presentable even after prolonged storage and transportation.
  • Increases wear resistance. Multilayer packaging is durable and can withstand any mechanical stress. Thanks to lamination, it reliably protects the product from moisture, dust, and sunlight (provided that the appropriate materials are used).
  • The basis for a variety of designs. Multicomponent laminates can be transparent or colored, and can be printed with images and text. The top layer can be ordered glossy or matte.
  • Variability. Almost all types of polymer films can be bonded. This allows you to choose the best option, taking into account the type and characteristics of the product, as well as the requirements for its storage and transportation.
  • Convenient use. The physical characteristics, such as uniform thickness, make laminated packaging suitable for automatic packaging lines.

Multilayer materials have no significant disadvantages, as you can choose exactly the polymers that meet your requirements. Although lamination increases the cost of packaging, it is justified by its excellent aesthetic and consumer characteristics.

What types of lamination are there?

Two main types of lamination are used to make packaging materials.

  • Solvent. Film layers are joined using adhesive systems containing chemical solvents. This reduces the likelihood of manufacturing defects. The customer receives the most reliable packaging suitable for certain types of spices, chemicals, and various non-food products.
  • Solvent-free. Adhesives are used that do not contain synthetic solvents. The connection is made by the reaction between adhesives applied to different layers of the film. This lamination method is environmentally friendly and fast, as it does not require additional drying. It is suitable for baby food and other food products.

Modern lamination technologies allow us to create reliable, presentable packaging suitable for any food and non-food product. Combining the characteristics of several polymeric materials provides a number of advantages. Among them: abrasion-resistant high-quality printing, increased strength, and the ability to create packaging tailored to the characteristics of a particular product. Rivne Flex produces multilayer films and soft packaging using modern equipment in compliance with the necessary standards and regulations. Our experts develop the material composition based on individual customer requirements. Production is carried out using solvent-free technologies.